I know plenty of guys (and gals), DJs and audiophiles included, who prefer CDs over any digital format (except for their favorites, which they preserve on vinyl). They also have the equipment where even the slightest differences are noticeable. Otherwise, Apple Lossless is still as good as it gets (with ACC 320 kbps a close runner up) unless you like the art, literature, and liner notes (which I do).
Discgear makes CD storage solutions.
As mentioned, Ron Hunt and Gene Whitehead (who hold 120 patents combined) have been inventing storage solutions for a couple decades, and some have been better than others. Most I couldn't be bothered with, but their last addition (about a decade ago with some improvements) is still their best.
The Discgear Selector 100 Auto holds 100 discs in a compact space, only 13 inches wide and 6 1/2 inches high (5-3/4 depth). The Selector eliminates the need to keep jewel cases entirely, along with the headache of setting a few weekends aside every year to organize them. With this, fix it up once and it sticks.
You can access 100 CDs in four simple motions (or less). Push one button to open the listing deck, slide the catch to the corresponding notch, and push the second button to retrieve the disc you want.
The solution is much safer than jewel cases (especially any with chips and cracks) and the Selectors are semi-stackable. (Semi-stackable because you will have to unstack them to retrieve a disc.)
There are two ways to make the storage work for a music collection. Purchase one or two to keep 100 or 200 CDs within reach (the balance in storage). Or purchase enough Selectors to store your entire music collection; DVDs, game discs, and Blu-Ray too.
If you are only buying one or two, the faux leather casing is attractive enough to leave out with your components. Conversely, they are small enough to store in some drawers and most cabinets.

However, if you want the round Selectors, they do look pretty good. The Selector 100 Black carries sort of a modern tech vibe, which is nice, just not as stackable.
Either one will give you access to an online Discgear library organizer that will help you create a printable list for free. The listing is intuitive, including enabling you to make your list alphabetical but giving it a numeric code so you don't have to rearrange your discs with every new purchase.
Discgear also provides storage solutions for CD literature.
Although sold separately, Discgear also sells 100-CD/DVD Literature Albums too. If you are ambitious, you can store the literature to correspond with each Selector. (I'm not that ambitious.)
However, what I do like about this solution is the literature albums make you want to browse your collection more often. It's almost like making your own art book, with the only downside being special editions.
Then again, separating special editions never made sense to me anyway. They are "special" after all. Keep those with anything you manage to have signed.
The Discgear 100 Auto Stores Up 6.2 On The Liquid Hip Richter Scale.
When you get right down to it, the storage solution from Discgear still beats everything else on the market. It beats bins, boxes, stackable holders, tubs, and especially cases. It makes everything more functional, moveable, and useable. And, for the price per CD/DVD, it's hard to beat.
The company also includes a 10-day return policy and a lifetime warranty (unless you do something stupid with it). Warranties may vary depending on where you purchase it. However, it's also good to know that the company sells replacement parts if something goes wrong so you don't have to ship everything back, at least not on every occasion.
The Selector 100 Auto is available from Sharper Image (about $60, which is the same price point at Discgear). However, they do not sell the literature albums. You can shave some cost on the Discgear Selector at Amazon (but these models may have a variation). Amazon also sells the 100-CD/DVD Literature Album. It also has a literature album without the slipcase, but you'll want the one with the slipcase if you can find it. Without, the album should retail for about $15.