
Monday, November 14, 2011

Seven Billion Actions And All Good Will

In October, the world topped 7 billion people. Some people see it an achievement. Some see it as a challenge. Some people recognize it as both at the same time. And some see it as nothing important at all.

"Some say our planet is too crowded. I say we are 7 billion strong," said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. "In our increasingly interconnected world, we all have something to give and something to gain by working together."

Seven billion is a big number. It's especially hard to grasp because the population has been growing exponentially. In 1900, there were a mere 1.6 billion on the planet. There were about 4 billion in 1975.

Last year, Luccaco, a small web design studio in South America, created a video and info-graphic to help put the total population in perspective. By scaling the entire population from 7 billion to a small community of 100 people, a different picture emerges all together. They call it the miniature earth project.

While some people have questioned the statistics, the sentiment still conveys clarity. We live on a planet that is much different from the one we see every day of our lives. And chances are, if you are reading this article, you have plenty to be grateful for. You are better off than about 92 percent of the world.

Some of the other numbers are even more startling. Twenty-one of those people live on less than $1.25 per day. Twelve cannot read. Fourteen are hungry. And that alone might be enough to remind you to appreciate what you have because whatever you have is more than so many other people in the world.

Seven Billion Actions - A Global Movement For All Humanity. 

Although the Seven Billion Actions is spearheaded by the United Nations Population Fund, the effort is backed by more than 200 organizations and the call to action is largely individual. They are asking people to share their stories, music, and films on how they are making the world a better place today.

The stories being shared are varied, ranging from inspirations to actions. Sarah Raafat, a 15-year-old in Cairo, donates some of her time at an orphanage. Dr. Babatunde, the executive director of UNFPA, is dedicated to improving and empowering the lives of underserved populations. Katie Elliott is a musician in the United Kingdom who organizes performances for young people.

There are hundreds more stories, ranging from students to global leaders. But no matter what their dream or thought or contribution, they all recognize themselves as equal. They are one of 7 billion who want to make the world a better place in any number of possible and positive ways.

One of the most striking aspects of the campaign was its collaborative efforts with Playing For Change, which is a project that organizes and produces music using musicians from all over the world. This is the second time that Grammy-winning filmmaker Mark Johnson has been included.

The video was produced when the filmmakers traveled the world, adding each musician to the track and creating a video that they hope serves as a tangible example of something people can do together. It works, with the music temporarily erasing borders and boundaries for a common purpose and goal.

The ideology of Seven Billion Actions is exactly that. It's an effort to raise awareness and inspire action because even the smallest actions from a percentage of all the people on our planet can change the world, one action at a time. It celebrates both the individual triumph and the collective impact.

The Global Film Competition Through Seven Billion Actions. 

As part of the overall campaign, Seven Billion Actions is also hosting an international film competition that puts human faces to the challenges (and solutions) affecting our world. Submitted films are asked to focus on one of seven key issues targeted by the Seven Billion Actions project.

These issues include: breaking the cycle of poverty, empowering women and girls, young people, reproductive health, healthy environments, aging, and urban planning. Digital submissions will be accepted through February 15 and winners announced on March 8. Check here for submission details.

Seven Billion Actions Is A Good Will Pick By Liquid Hip.

At least once a month, Liquid [Hip] highlights good will efforts undertaken by courageous people with big hearts. We don't score them. That belongs to you.

Share your story, submit a film, or remix the  Seven Billion Actions theme. The choice is yours. Or maybe you can take it a step further and find an organization in your community to support or choose any number of worthwhile organizations. There is never any shortage of them. The choice is always yours.
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