Maybe it was because they released a limited EP with six tracks. Maybe it was because they had planned to go back into the studio by November. Whatever is was, they lost momentum. Everyone was waiting for something, even deepfield.
They played a few sporadic shows, but they didn't get in the studio until February of this year. And it wasn't until June that anyone was paying much attention. That's when Rock 93-5 gave them a spin.
And then a few stations more. And then a few more. Along with some attention, deepfield revamped their Facebook page, added live streams around the Web, hosted design contests, and are still trying to get a tour going by booking one show at a time.

"I wish I would've been a rock drummer in the 80s ... huge hair and all. Seriously, the new formula is affecting every artist — it's a "single" music world right now, records sales for any band are way down, labels are downsizing, merging, and the model has completely changed," Teal said. "David Lee Roth never knew how good he had it."
If The Album Rocks Like The EP, They Won't Be Hunting For Fans.
Rounded up from the six solid EP tracks, the title to watch for is Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. (Be careful not to confuse it with the EP, which some people attached the album name to.) The name is cool, probably referring to the plank at the front of old ships (not a place you want to be). Cab Calloway recorded a song with the same name in 1932.
I somehow doubt any connection to the Calloway song, but the original meaning comes to mind while looking at an early T-shirt concept floated by fans. It's the start of something cool. So is the candid banter you'll find on Facebook.
They answer fans. They even have an "ask us anything" Formspring too. I haven't asked anything yet. You'll know if I do. I'll ask hard ones.
As for the Limited Release EP, I picked up deepfield for the same reason a lot of people did. Nothing Left to Lose caught my attention. But like I always do, I started down the track listing one by one. Two other good bets are So Far Away and Shiner. Some people might also like the ballad These Words. I couldn't find a good live cut, but I did find this.
With with the addition of two new members since their 2007 first album, Aron Robinson (drums), Sean von Tersch (lead guitar), and PJ Farley (bass guitar) all sound like they've played with Teal since the beginning. (One interesting side note: the original bassist was Eric Bass, now with Shinedown.) This is the band I've been waiting for them to become.
Deepfield Limited Release EP Reaches A 6.2 On The The Liquid Hip Richter Scale.
These guys deserve another round of attention. While one of the newest tracks, Nothing Can Save Us Now, feels oddly upbeat against its dark lyrics about damnation, they didn't lose me yet. What I'm really looking forward to are more tracks like you'll find on the EP. They are a much stronger band than in 2007.
You can find the Limited Release EP on iTunes. The Limited Release EP [Explicit] is also on Amazon. If you like the band, you can still help them reach their first 1,000 fans on Facebook. Right here.